The 5 Most Common Pe..nis Types — And What Each One Says About His Personality

Image result wey dey for The 5 Most Common Penis Types — And What Each One Says About His Personality

Not all penises are created equally.
Does a perfect penis exist? Probably not, but some people believe they have come up close and personal — as close as someone can get — to perfection.
"Beaus with what I consider the 'perfect penis' are among the most charming, and typically have the best physiques. The perfect penis is one that's six-to-seven inches and cut to reveal a plump, mushroom head when aroused. The girth is proportional. Generally, these men know they've been tipped pretty well in the gene pool. They have chiseled facial features and nicely identified pectorals, but not necessarily defined all over. They're generally athletic, smell nice, and are well groomed," says Koji Morishita, gay man and author of the blog Bobbing For Apples In The Big Apple.
Personality-wise, these men are generally Type A, aggressive, yet know how to be sensitive.
"The perfect penis always makes me feel safe and secure because the man carrying it is very well grounded and emotionally stable. Don't even get me started on the voice of these guys! Ugh! The perfect, masculine pitch!" says Morishita. 
So what kinds of penis sizes and shapes are out there? Here are five different types of penises and how they can affect a man's personality.


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