There Are 5 Types Of — Here Are The Best Se..x Positions For Each One
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Penises come in all different penis shapes and sizes, and they never cease to amaze us in their variability. Every guy is different, and with every new guy comes a new penis experience — whether good, cringe-worthy or totally laughable.
From my own experiences and those of my friends, I've developed this guide to making the most out of these 5 common types of clam-slammers.
1. The Small Penis
“It was smaller than a magic marker.” — KS
If you have ever had to ask, “Is it in yet?” my heart breaks for you. I can’t think of anything more disappointing than a guy who just wasn’t born with adequate equipment, let alone the dreaded micro-penis.
When a guy is super small, it can definitely hinder your chances of having an orgasm. But even if you’re dealing with something that is equivalent to a super tampon, there is always a possibility for good sex.
Before you even bother to weep over his poor genes, your best bet is to focus on yourself first. Try spending more time on foreplay. Bring out your toys, get on top, and take control of the situation ... because he certainly won’t be able to. Get yours first, and then move to sex so he can get his.
Also keep in mind that the size of his shaft isn’t something he can control. So don’t be cruel. Just make the best of the situation and move on.
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