What Women REALLY Think About The Size Of Your Pe..nis

do women care about penis size

In case you wanted to know.
I've written about penises many times. From big penises to little penises to unwelcome penises, it's no secret: this chick likes to talk about penises. And it seems I'm not alone. Why? Because we're all obsessed with penises, both men and women. (Well, maybe not the lesbians.) 

Of course, the question that's been asked more times than "You want fries with that?" is the ever-burning "Do women care about penis size?"
The funny thing is, it's been answered a million times by those who swear they know the answer. I've heard girls proclaim quite matter-of-factly, "Don't let anyone tell you different! Big penises rule!" And then I've heard others staunchly affirm, "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean."
So which is it? Does size matter? Do women care about penis size?


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