
Showing posts from June, 2019

Spice Up Your Boring Sex Life In 3 Simple Steps (You're Welcome)

It's really easy and oh, so much fun! Learning how to spice up your sex life is far easier than you think. It's not always a case of going to your local sex shop (or online) and buying whips, chains, handcuffs, and all other sorts of bondage equipment. You certainly can if that is what you're into, but it's not always necessary. There are actually a lot of simple things that you can try out with your man, that will work just as effectively without you needing to "go off the deep end."  Let me show you 3 to get you started: CLICK ON THE NEXTPAGE TO CONTINUE NEXT PAGE>>>>>

Ladies, Increase Your Libido With These 7 Simple Tricks (Sex Won’t Feel Like A Chore Anymore)

The sex life you’ve been waiting for. Women and sexuality is a topic that's quite important in my practice. Many women come into my office, with or without their partner, concerned about their low libido and general lack of interest in sex.   The most recent Diagnostic Manual has combined female sexual arousal and desire/interest together because you cannot separate the arousal process from having sexual desire.   In other words, for many women, having the desire is a circular process, during which they must become aroused before desiring sex. For these women, arousal comes as a response to their partner and their environment, and may then lead to desire. When it comes to libido, men generally have a more linear process. Depending on your culture, family role models, and religion you were brought up in, you may have learned some ideas about sex that deprived you of healthy sexual selfishness.   CLICK ON THE NEXTP...

4 Stress-Relieving Ways To Work Out At Home (Without Having To Go To The Gym)

Life is stressful as heck. Try these 4 exercises at home to ease your anxiety and save you gym time. If you’re reading this article, I have a feeling you might be a little stressed — maybe it’s work, a relationship, or that new job that is causing you to freak out a little. One of the ultimate ways to relieve your stress is working up a quick sweat sesh right at home. Did you know that seven out of ten adults in The United States exercise daily to lower their stress levels? While a lot of us view working out as a chore, it can be really beneficial when it comes to maintaining not only a healthy body, but also a healthy mind. CLICK ON THE NEXTPAGE TO CONTINUE NEXT PAGE>>>>>

How To Have Better Se,,x, Plain And Simple

Has your sex life become a little lackluster? I don’t need to be the one to tell you that sex is a natural part of life. But I can be the one to help you out if things have gotten a little bit too routine in the old penetration station.   Our lives get busy with school, work, family, and friends and things fall by the wayside quite quickly when we get overwhelmed, sex being one of those things. It’s normal that your life becomes a little predictable at times, but sex doesn’t always have to be. Which is why I want to share with you some ways on how to approve your sex life, immediately, because who doesn't want that? So without further ado, here are 5 ways to get things raring" 1. Exercise. via GIPHY This is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your sex life. Exercise! Exercise increases your energy, tones your muscles, improves your mood, and most importantly, it improves how you see yourself. It improves...

3 Ways To Have Better S,ex In Your Relationship (That Are Easier Than You Think)

You won't be able to get enough of each other. Let’s talk sex. Great sex is absolutely one of the most special aspects of a great relationship. Conversely, stress around sex is one of the hardest things to deal with.  So what things can you do to make your sex life even more amazing? Here are 3 things you can do that will lead to having better sex in your relationship: CLICK ON THE NEXTPAGE TO CONTINUE NEXT PAGE>>>>>

Is Bigger REALLY Better? 7 Very Honest Women Weigh In On Pe..nis Size

Is bigger always better in bed? Or is it all about technique? Women get real about your package. It's the age-old question: Is bigger better? Well, is it? It seems that when it comes to penis size, men are far more concerned than women. You often hear women say that it's all about how you use it, but still, size has to come into play at some point, doesn't it? We asked a few women their thoughts on penis size. We asked them to be as honest as possible, because we really want to know — we  ALL  want to know. Hopefully, with their insight, we're one step closer to figuring out if bigger truly is better or if technique is the biggest winner of all. 1. The bigger, the better. "I like a big one, both for physical and visual pleasure (is there anything sadder-looking than a small [penis]?). By big, I mean between seven to nine inches. Nine gets into painful territory, but I still like how it looks."  — Amanda, 25 2. A small penis is a disappoi...

There Are 5 Types Of — Here Are The Best Se..x Positions For Each One

Thank us later ... Penises come in all different penis shapes and sizes, and they never cease to amaze us in their variability. Every guy is different, and with every new guy comes a new penis experience — whether good, cringe-worthy or totally laughable. From my own experiences and those of my friends, I've developed this guide to making the most out of these 5 common types of clam-slammers. 1. The Small Penis “It was smaller than a magic marker.”  —  KS If you have ever had to ask, “Is it in yet?” my heart breaks for you. I can’t think of anything more disappointing than a guy who just wasn’t born with adequate equipment, let alone the dreaded micro-penis. When a guy is super small, it can definitely hinder your chances of having an orgasm. But even if you’re dealing with something that is equivalent to a super tampon, there is always a possibility for good sex. Before you even bother to weep o...

What Women REALLY Think About The Size Of Your Pe..nis

In case you wanted to know. I've written about penises many times. From big penises to little penises to unwelcome penises, it's no secret: this chick likes to talk about penises. And it seems I'm not alone. Why? Because we're all obsessed with penises, both men and women. (Well, maybe not the lesbians.)  Of course, the question that's been asked more times than "You want fries with that?" is the ever-burning "Do women care about penis size?" The funny thing is, it's been answered a million times by those who swear they know the answer. I've heard girls proclaim quite matter-of-factly, "Don't let anyone tell you different! Big penises rule!" And then I've heard others staunchly affirm, "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean." So which is it? Does size matter? Do women care about penis size? CLICK ON THE NEXTPAGE TO CONTINUE NEXT PAGE>>>>>

10 Hard (And Fascinating) Facts About Your Man's Penis

The average size is what now? How much do we really know about the penis? As much as we all take pride in this (sometimes) little package, many women and men alike don't really know all that much about it. Most people understand the penis’s role during sex, but for all the praise and attention men seek when it comes to declaring that their penis is better than any other on the planet, they often know shockingly little about their own anatomy. You’d think that understanding all there is to know about their favorite organ would be top of most guys' to-do lists, but unfortunately, that’s not the case for many. And while ignorance can be bliss, knowledge — especially about that oh-so-favored of body parts — is most definitely power. CLICK ON THE NEXTPAGE TO CONTINUE NEXT PAGE>>>>>

5 Se.x Positions To Get You Off When He Has A BIG Pe..nis

Bigger isn't always better, but with a little bit of help it can be pretty great. I may be writing a list of the best sex positions for coping with a big penis, but let's be clear: Every sex position is the best sex position for having sex with a big penis if you take the proper steps first.  Just because a guy has a big penis that doesn't mean he has no ability to communicate with words (I mean, sometimes it does, but let's be kind here). The sex position you pick doesn't mean diddly if you can't communicate with your partner. His big penis will be a big let down if you can't tell him what works, what doesn't work, and what is not possible because of physics.  The best sex positions on the planet are vastly improved by the use of lube. So much lube. All of the lube. Yes, friction is your friend, sure. But in this case, the problem is too much friction.   Lube can ease that big ol' penis...

The 5 Most Common Pe..nis Types — And What Each One Says About His Personality

Not all penises are created equally. Does a perfect penis exist? Probably not, but some people believe they have come up close and personal  — as close as someone can get —  to perfection. "Beaus with what I consider the 'perfect penis' are among the most charming, and typically have the best physiques. The perfect penis is one that's six-to-seven inches and cut to reveal a plump, mushroom head when aroused. The girth is proportional. Generally, these men know they've been tipped pretty well in the gene pool. They have chiseled facial features and nicely identified pectorals, but not necessarily defined all over. They're generally athletic, smell nice, and are well groomed," says Koji   Morishita, gay man and author of the blog Bobbing For Apples In The Big Apple . Personality-wise, these men are generally Type A, aggressive, yet know how to be sensitive. "The perfect penis always makes me feel safe and secure because the man car...

If He Has One Of These 4 Penis Types, Your Sex Will Be Amazing

Find out ... When it comes to different types of penises, some people claim that big is always best. Others are afraid of too-long schlongs. And then there are the incessant jokes about guys with small packages. And you know what? I'm sick of the stereotypes, judgment, and bad talk about men's penis size. He has zero control over what he was endowed with, and I personally don't find it fair that those men with small penises are made to feel like less of a man. Because believe me, they aren't. In fact, the truth of the matter regarding that age-old question — "Does size matter?" — is that sometimes guys who have a small or average sized penis are better in the sack than those with a "third leg". So I'm going to do a little compare and contrast of the pros and cons based on four common penis shapes, exploring the good and bad of each. Of course, there are other types of penises not mentioned here. Plus, the size and shape of a woman's vagina, a...

LADIES: The 4 Best Se.x Positions For When You’re On Your Period..

Sex positions for when you’re on your period  – Take going with the flow to a whole new level. When you’re on your period, you might feel bloated and crampy—but that doesn’t change the fact that your estrogen and testosterone levels rise while your flow is in full force, making you ready to get after it. Plus, “Lots of women find the increased blood flow and extra slickness make sex even more enjoyable,” says Carol Queen, Ph.D., staff sexologist for Good Vibrations. Stick to these gravity-fighting moves and you’ll be able to get off with minimal mess (you know, if that’s something you worry about): 1. The Butterfly Lie on your back at the edge of the bed. With your guy standing in front of you, place your legs over his shoulders and use your arms to raise your hips until you reach your preferred angle. (Placing a stack of towels underneath you can help prevent muscle strain.) Kindly click on the “next page” Button Below to continue with the rest o...

GUYS: The 3 Best Ways To Pleasure And Satisfy A Woman In Bed – This Will Make Her Go Crazy!

Tip #1: Last Long In Bed The first step to give your partner an orgasm is to end premature ejaculation. Yes that’s right, it takes a woman an Average of 15min for her to reach reach her climax. If you as a man don’t Last up to 15 to 25 Minutes, then there is a problem because she can never be satisfied. The best solution is for you to use MASCUM HERBAL PRIDE to Beat premature Ejaculation And Last longer than 25 Min In Bed. Lasting long in bed means you are a real man, It Makes you the Man of the House. it commands endless flow of respect from the female gender. Lasting longer in bed – three times more sensualization and pleasure on your penis – enhancing your penis size – driving women crazy. Are you an indomie man? Do you wish you could last long in bed to satisfy your woman in bed? Get the Mascum Herbal Pride. You will love the result, You sex partner will love it also. Kindly click on the “next page” Button Below to continue with the rest of the list….. .       ...

5 Ways To Deal With A Person Who Has Body Odour in public

Like most people, you may find it difficult to approach an individual with offensive body odor. Whether you care about hurting the individual’s feelings or are simply uncomfortable with broaching the subject, body odor is a sensitive subject for many people and should be addressed delicately. The goal is not to embarrass your partner, but to highlight this issue and offer suggestions that will eliminate inappropriate personal hygiene. 1. Address your partner on time, over the phone or by message. If the individual is likely to be embarrassed, sometimes it is better to talk to him through a medium rather than in-person. While talking face-to-face provides an opportunity to immediately console the individual, it may make him uncomfortable because he may become aware of his smell and its impact on you. If communicating through messages is your best option, you can do some follow-up discussion and consoling in-person. click next page to continue reading    NEXT PAGE>>

7 Interesting Reasons Why You Keep Adding Weight – You’re Most Likely Doing One Of The Reasons Right Now (MUST READ)

Wonder why you keep gaining weight despite the fact that you eat lots of vegetables, take lots of water and do not eat at night? We will tell you why. There are some factors responsible for your consistent weight gain and we have highlighted them below: 1. Lack of Portion control Avoid double or large helpings at dinner. There is a delay in the time it takes for your stomach to tell the brain it’s full. If you rush down your food, chances are you haven’t given your brain time to react to these signals. Turn things around if you tend to cook too much, save the leftovers for another meal. click next page to continue reading    NEXT PAGE>>

8 Foods That Will Help Heal Heart Diseases – #8 Works Like Magic

The reason heart disease has become so common is that of poor lifestyle choices, including a poor diet. Junk food can contribute to the onset of heart disease. The good news is that, since a poor diet can cause heart disease, a healthy, balanced diet can help you avoid it. Want to reduce your risk of developing heart disease?  These foods should be of help. 1. Nuts Nuts contain lots of fibre, which helps to keep your heart healthy. They are rich in vitamin E, which is known to reduce bad cholesterol. 2. Avocado Avocado is a versatile food. It is a go-to food if you want to prevent heart diseases. Your heart will certainly thank you when you start eating Avocado. It is beneficial for your heart’s health.   click next page to continue reading   NEXT PAGE>>